William Orr and Son
William Orr and Son is a fourth generation family run farm business.For over 60 years we have specialised in growing and selecting only quality potatoes at our drumlin farm in the heart of the County Down countryside, where the renowned rich soil and natural drainage combine to produce excellent growing conditions.
Today we grow traditional Irish crops as well as new varieties all packed full of flavour with a real freshness you can taste. This seasons crops are well underway and growing conditions to date have been extremely dry and challenging.
Once harvested the potatoes are packed on our farm and delivered to stores province wide.
Pictured right are Philip, Robert and Richard Orr.

Over the years we have developed a strong Brand for our produce as we endeavour to grow the best quality potatoes renowned for their quality, freshness and flavour.

The business was founded by William Orr at our Raffrey farm near Crossgar in County Down. His son Robert and grandsons Richard and Philip run the business today.
Watch this video showing sowing, harvesting and packing.
Check out the buttons below for detailed information about the various crops we grow and some useful tasty recipes for you to enjoy.
The Growing Season.
If weather permits the first planting begins at the end of January. First crops are harvested at the end of May or in early June and harvesting will continue until mid October.

Potatoes are tolerant of cool soil and frost and can be planted in late spring. The potato tubers are removed from cool storage and warm to a temperature of 50-60°F, to enhance sprout formation. Small potato tubers (golf ball size) are planted whole. After the ground has been suitably prepared the potato seed is planted 3-4 inches deep approximately 10"-12” between plants in rows (drills).

Potatoes are grown in full sun with a soil pH of 5.5-6.5. Potatoes are heavy feeders which require deep fertile soil with good drainage. Mineral soils are best. Potatoes need plenty of moisture, particularly round about flowering time which is when the tubers start to form. In dry spells it is recommended that the crop is watered every 10 days or so.
Early potatoes can be dug when tubers reach a useable size. This is often 2-5 weeks after flowering. Potatoes for storage crops should be left in the ground until light frosts or natural decline cause the tops to wither.

Harvest times depend on planting dates, weather and temperature at planting time, weather during the growing season, variety maturity and weather and temperature at harvest time. However, in general terms:
First Earlies are best harvested in small quantities & eaten straightaway when fresh in June and July.
Second Earlies and Salad varieties can also be harvested in small quantities and eaten when fresh in June and July. Alternatively, if the skins are allowed to ‘set' - i.e. they don't rub off when lifted - cut the foliage down to stop continued growth, lift in September and store as per Main crop varieties.
Main crop varieties can be lifted from September onwards and stored as long as the tubers are lifted in dry conditions or are dried properly in a cool, dark, frost-free area.

William Orr and Son have a top of the range packaging plant. Before packing the potatoes are washed, dried then inspected for quality and size. The potatoes move into the packaging plant where they are weighed to the required amount, pillow packed into branded bags then finally stitched into a sack of 10 for delivery to retail stores.
The pillow pack unit can brand our produce for any retail outlet, please contact Richard at info@williamorrandson.co.uk for further details.
The Varieties We Grow
Recipes For You To Try
First Comber Earlies Harvest June 2014
Open Farm Day 2015
First Comber Earlies Harvest June 2016
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